VERSION 2.1 ------------- - New rotation creation bugfix VERSION 2.0 ------------- - General changes to appearance, colors, icons and behavior - Two category layout options: large or small icons - New icons in categories - New fade out logic - Possibility to add the start of the event in the Scheduler - Added option for automatic tape playback when turning on "Monitor" form, default is off - The algorithm for automatic selection has been improved and is named "Music Artificial Intelligence" - CBWR "Constant playback without repetition" is displayed in categories and rotations - Separate settings for license and license export in configuration - The overall speed of the application increased by approx. 30% with compiling into machine code - Upgraded libraries for MySQL, we still recommend MySQL or MariDB version 5.5.x - Compatibility for Windows 11, tested, the application has no problems, we still recommend using Windows 7 or 10 - AGC and CUE indicators on the player's main screen signal whether the tape has these parameters - The next track is displayed in the main view below the currently broadcast track, AutoDJ or manual from the playlist - Scheduler will automatically check for application upgrade at startup - Added an option to export an HTML document in the reports of the Scheduler application - The list of events is automatically refreshed after closing the create new event dialog - Added "toast" notification system for less important messages (Onair and Scheduler) that do not require interaction - Additional validation when entering appointments in the Scheduler, disallowing the same appointments - Added option to play selected file in "Event" dialog in Scheduler - Added option to mark bar as "Top hit" in "Monitor" form - The maintenance form has been updated and an option has been added to delete logs older than 365 days - Log form left "tails" in memory even after closing, fixed - Fixed an error in the report of the scheduler application when the export was canceled - The log report is now generated in a separate tree and will not "freeze" the interface when there is a large amount of data - Sending the current tape to the web now signals an error on the icon after 5 connection errors and shuts down sending to FTP, turning it on again manually resets the error - Added option to log system errors in log - The upgrade check button in the settings shows whether the application has new versions (Onair and Scheduler); automatic check - Blacked out VU meters for less distraction VERSION 1.50.5 -------------- - A critical update in history that caused the app to crash when more than 1000 items were added - A working playlist called "placeholder" where you can load, edit and save playlist files without changing the main playlist - Fixed flickering on all list objects, now redraw is faster - Fixed duplicate event actions from scheduler - Name of the card at the top of the card form - New reports in the planner - New single-line font for numeric fields - New stack-based audio analyzer for CUE and GAIN - Option of top hits in the monitor - Check for updates in the configuration form - Ability to open the RW user data folder from the configuration form - License information and backup in the configuration window - Improved file import error logic - Removed shoutcast and icecast listener indicator (problems with versions, possible upgrade in new versions) - Added option to select entire month in log to export list by month - Added option to skip files without valid tag name in log export - Added option to view report for unfinished events in Scheduler - Playback in the monitor no longer starts automatically - Memory optimization, stability fixes, small appearance changes and much more